The Food Dood Unbridled!

After three decades in corporate journalism, Dave Cathey (The Food Dood) has launched the Food Dood Feed as an independent source for the latest in local dining news, recipes, demonstrations, and foodcentric events. The Feed will issue reports from all over the 405 diningscape, review its restaurants and venture across the state to track the growing and increasingly delicious culinary narrative of Oklahoma.

Subscribe and join us at the table

Covering the food-service industry since 2008 developed the Food Dood’s distinctive point of view. That inspired the Food Dood to launch a new production and marketing company called Foodiciary. Subscribers will be the first invited to exclusive events and content for people who seek a path to culinary adventure and/or enlightenment.


Finally, to find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit

Subscribe to The Food Dood & Friends

The Food Dood and Friends shares local flavor from Oklahoma's Green Country to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and all the delicious points in between. Dave Cathey, Rob Crissinger, Jared Gleaton and Ben Krodel share news, reviews, and their culinary views.


Oklahoma City's friendly neighborhood Food Dood has 32 years experience as a journalist, including the last 14 as a food writer, and columnist.