After passing by HAMBURGER KING on our first visit to the erstwhile Gathering Place Coffee Co., I swore we’d eat there on our return to Shawnee. And we did. And it was glorious. And we need to head back down sometime with the entire Robot House team to eat before or after visiting comma (whose brand we built pro-bono to get them out of the surprisingly bloodthirsty aim of the George Kaiser Family Foundation).
Great article!
I live for lists, and this looks awesome
Thanks Food Dood!
Sounds like a deliciously productive month, Dave. Thanks!
After passing by HAMBURGER KING on our first visit to the erstwhile Gathering Place Coffee Co., I swore we’d eat there on our return to Shawnee. And we did. And it was glorious. And we need to head back down sometime with the entire Robot House team to eat before or after visiting comma (whose brand we built pro-bono to get them out of the surprisingly bloodthirsty aim of the George Kaiser Family Foundation).